An annual all India personality development awareness competition need to have amalgamation of all three - Personality, Talent & Intellect.
...participation in Today & Tomorrow's Pride changes life forever...
Personalities, Talents & Intellect don’t work in
isolation. If you have best of any, or have amalgamation of them, it’s the time to realign and test
yourself against others….only few best are able to create a name for themselves.
Who is better and has more chances of success in life? A debater, a singer, a dancer, a writer, a
sportsperson or anyone else who is excellent in his chosen field of interest or craft?
Success doesn’t come only from having some best of the qualities/ virtues or in being best in chosen
craft or talent but in being able to present that quality, craft or talent in impactful manner, not just
on the performance stage but throughout life. To create this impact one needs to have magical
integration of personality, talent, creativity, innovativeness & uniqueness of thought process.
Today & Tomorrow’s Pride (TTP), attempts to
present that
magically integrated platform by identifying, assessing & rewarding individuals having best of potential
to make it big in life.
Expanding horizons,“Today & Tomorrow’s Pride” seeks
participation from all individuals falling between age group 15-years to 25-years who feel that they
have it in themselves, who feel that they are best of the best, who feel that they didn't get the
opportunities and who have been looking for avenues to create a niche for themselves.
TTP 2021 is here……….. so hurry up and Register,
don't miss
this Golden Opportunity.
Participation in TTP 2021 has been made
easier, details are
available in relevant section of website.
Organisers of Today & Tomorrow's Pride (TTP), Smart Training & Development /
( of Sources & Resources HUB) are in
the field of training & development and education since 2016. They expertise in bringing out and
polishing of true potential & personality of an individual and that of an organisation. When outer self
portrays hidden treasure of inner self, the distinction is achieved and reveled personality stands apart
from the rest.